Only registered Sögur users can buy SGR directly from Sögur's smart contract. To do so, one needs to send ETH in the desired amount to the smart contract, in the following manner:
- Make sure the address that holds the ETH is the one you entered when you registered at and the amount you wish to buy fits your current tier (and the corresponding amount limitations).
- In your wallet of choice, initiate an ETH send transaction. The destination address should be that of the smart contract 0xAEa8e1b6CB5c05D1dAc618551C76bcD578EA3524 (ENS: SGR.ETH).
- Set the desired ETH amount.
- Set the gas price you wish (most wallets suggest a gas price according to Etherum’s blockchain condition.
- Gas limit should be set to 500,000.
- Confirm the transaction.
- Once the transaction is mined, the smart contract will send the corresponding amount of SGRs to the same wallet.